Sold Out!

1 min readJun 30, 2022
Salem Lab

Sealem Finance, a platform which creates a new generation of Defi + Gamefi protocols did their $ST IDO across 7 major platforms yesterday Wednesday 29th, June😱. They are building something like never before! The Defi + Gamefi model reduces the risk of unlimited inflation, and the two parts will interoperate to maximize returns.

They went live for their IDO and public pool sale on Pinksale, GemPad, DaoStarter, Fomoin, Playsky, Nuls and Anon launchpad. No other project on the binance space has ever experienced anything like this before.

Sealem Finance broke and created an amazing new record on the binance space with their IDO sale.

The IDO and public pool sale sold out just within an hour of going live with a total seed of 60,000$ raised in IDO.

They promised and they delivered. Now let’s sit back and see what happens at launch🔥

Official links below:




